Medical Reports

Shoulder - Elbow - Wrist - Hand
Dr Perko will provide medical reports to Solicitors as well as Insurance providers. He is able to provide opinions on orthopaedic hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries.
  • Medico legal:

    Dr Perko is highly experienced in the provision of medico-legal reports. Dr Perko is an orthopaedic surgeon with a practice specialising in conditions of the upper limb. He has been in practice since 1990 and has complete specialized training in orthopaedic Sports Medicine as well as Hand and Upper Limb Surgery. He has a graduate degree from the University of Sydney and Specialist Fellowship with the Royal Australasian Collage of Surgeons. Dr Perko is currently in practice with the North Sydney Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group as a well as treating general orthopaedic conditions. He has been involved in the care of many high level athletes.

    Dr Perko is able to complete examinations at the Mater Clinic or Wollongong.

    To enquire or make an appointment please contact our office on 02 9409 0532.
  • WorkCover:

    Dr Perko is a Workers Compensation Commission (WorkCover- NSW) Approved Medical Specialist. His predominant areas of expertise include orthopaedic hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries.

    Dr Perko follows the Workplace injury management and workers compensation (medical examinations and reports fees) order 2017.
  • Reports:

    Dr Perko conducts:

    • Independent medical examinations
    • Whole person impairment (WPI) reports
    • Examinations and reports
    • File reviews and reports
    • Supplementary reports